Innovation Park, Zhongguancun, Jiangsu

March 21, 2023
Latest company case about Innovation Park, Zhongguancun, Jiangsu

latest company case about Innovation Park, Zhongguancun, Jiangsu  0

Location Liyang, Jiangsu province Category Industrial Park Means of communication LoRaWAN



Project Overview

Innovation Park, Zhongguancun, Jiangsu Project collects and charges water consumption in the industrial park. The water meters are scattered. Some of them are in the office building and some are in the ground shaft of the park. The water meter data is collected and uploaded to the cloud platform through the LoRaWAN gateway.

Software information
Software systems: PaaS/new SaaS
Functional overview: 1、Upload data every 8 hours.
2、Users can check their water usage and pay by WeChat.
3、Remote meter reading, water supply and disconnection, and statistical report export.
Hardware information
Collection equipment: LoRaWAN Gateway Quantity: 6
Terminal: LoRaWAN Water Meters Quantity: 180